Ask The Doctors

Bunions....Hand osteoarthritis


Q. I’ve had a bunion for several years, and it’s getting worse. It’s difficult and painful to wear shoes. How will I know when it’s time to consider surgery?


Bunions are very common, and they can be annoying and painful. They are usually managed without surgery. A bunion is a bony bump at the big toe joint. The joint at the base of the big toe turns outward, causing the toe to bend toward the second toe. The formation of a bunion is a slow process. It can get more pronounced over time. Biomechanical problems such as having flat feet or reduced range of motion in the ankle can lead to bunions. The way you walk or stand can lead to a bunion if there’s an imbalance of pressure on the feet. Wearing high heels and pointy-toed shoes can increase pressure on the big toe. And a tendency to get bunions is hereditary.

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